Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I apologise for my long absence. Don't you hate it when people are going to be late and they don't call?

But on to more important things. This is Millie:

We picked her up from the RSPCA on Saturday. She's four and a half months old and a beautiful jungle kitten.

At first Mickey and Joey were a bit cranky and frightened of Millie, large threatening creature that she is, but they're a lot more relaxed now.

Millie and Joey are playing a lot.

Mickey is still at the sniffing stage.

Isn't she lovely?



  • She's bueatiful. She looks just like my kitten Jovie. Really - the patterns on Jovie's face are very nearly identical to those on Millie's. I can't tell from the pictures, but does she have a bullseye-ish pattern on her left side?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at February 22, 2006 5:54 am  

  • No bullseye that I can see, but isn't it weird to see a cat who looks just like yours? Daniel was sent several pictures of cats who looked rather like Mickey when he published his kitten review. I don't know what I was expecting, but there are Mickeys everywhere!

    A chin scratch to Jovie.

    By Blogger Anne, at February 22, 2006 7:44 pm  

  • oh CUTE

    my cat Captain Maxx is dying with jealousy

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at February 26, 2006 12:07 am  

  • Why is Maxx jealous? Does he want to be on Electron Soup?

    By Blogger Anne, at February 26, 2006 11:27 am  

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